Do you realize that you can build your fortune by buying vacant land?
You are saying: “No way!!”
I am saying: “Yes…WAY!”
There are many great ways to make a lot of money in real estate, not the least of which is buying and selling vacant land. This is an effective way to do real estate deals with no hassle, no rehab, no insurance, and no worries of vandalism and theft.
Plus, there is virtually no competition for these properties since many investors are simply not going after this incredibly lucrative portion of the marketplace. I was actually in the real estate business for several years before I discovered this very profitable part of the market. In addition, buying and selling vacant land in this current market is another good strategy to continue making money in the real estate business.
If you live in a particularly rural area, buying and selling vacant land is a more lucrative means of doing real estate deals. Since it can be more challenging to find homes