We all love control.
I have a six-year-old daughter who constantly pushes the boundaries of her world. Whether it’s brushing her teeth or buckling her car seat, she loves to feel in control.
Isn’t this the case with you, too?
Imagine you're right about to take out the garbage unprompted... and then your spouse tells you to take it out before you even get a chance to. Now you're dropping the trash bag on the floor and telling your spouse to do it because now it is no longer your idea... it’s theirs.
How about when it comes to your money? Do you want to feel in control of your cash?
Every human has some emotional tie to money. It’s frustrating and stressful when it feels like your money goes in one door only to go right out that same door the next day. How about those gas prices, huh? Or, as a real estate investor, what about those interest rates? Completely out of your control.
Let me ask you this: when you jumped into real estate or entrepreneurship, did you say to yourself, “The money part will ju