Monday, March 3rd
Find Out How to Buy Your Next Rental
With No Cash or Credit
With Vena Jones-Cox
We know that your ULTIMATE goal is to have passive cash flow, and for most of us, that means RENTALS.
But at current interest rates and prices, it’s really hard to find rentals that actually make money (unless you happen to have tons of cash to spend—and then the returns make no sense!)
Luckily for you, there are LOTS of ways to get rentals at better-than-market terms that DO work…and that solve seller problems better than the usual “all cash offer”.
These ‘creative deal structures’ aren’t new: they’ve been used by smart real estate investors for decades.
But they’re especially important right now, as high interest rates and prices are meeting up with a little slower market—giving you more opportunities to grab some great rental properties using creative financing.
That’s why we’ve rounded up our favorite Creative Deal Structuring Expert, Vena Jones-Cox, to explain:
- How (and why) to get cash-flowing rentals using other people’s money—owner financing, partners, and private lenders
- Why you can buy MORE rentals this way than you can conventionally, and do it faster, and build wealth and cash flow SOONER, and become an ender before you know it
- Why you can ALWAYS “out-offer” your competitors can when you understand the power of these structures—other investors can’t come CLOSE to your price
- The 7 ways to buy without cash or credit—and how to know which one to choose for any given deal
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