Thursday, July 18th ONLINE Nationwide Chapter Meeting
How to Avoid Getting Scammed
With John Hyre, Esq.
OPHP 1.5 Hours Elective [What’s This?]
Here at COREE, we don’t pretend that the real estate world is all beer and skittles.
In fact, we work hard to make sure that you have the information you need to both make money and protect the money you’ve made from everyone from the IRS to predators.
So we’re devoting our July Nationwide Online Chapter meeting to revealing how real estate investing scams happen, and how to do what you need to do to protect yourself against them, with one of the top asset protection attorneys in the country.
Here’s the whole agenda:
6:30 p.m. (Eastern)
Open Q&A, networking, and buy-sell-trade. Got questions? Have a deal to sell? Need a deal funded? Or maybe just want to find out who the players are in your favorite strategies?
Join us early and get together with the most friendly, got-your-back group of real estate entrepreneurs in the U.S.!
Member Deal Evaluation of the Month
How to Avoid Being Scammed (with John Hyre)
Unfortunately, we all hear stories all the time about investors who invest money, or time, or credit, in deals that turn out to be scams.
Have you ever wondered how smart people get ‘taken’, and how you can avoid the same fate?
Then join us on Zoom as John Hyre explains how to recognize the telltale signs of a real estate scam and all the things you need to do to protect yourself.
This topic is so important that members AND guests attend for free; just register below to get your link!